
Coached By Harris LLC

Fitness Progress Comes In Seasons

Published over 2 years ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader,

Hope this week has been full of progress and good times for you.

Today I'll share a lesson with you that can be incredibly liberating to hear. It has made a big impact in not just my fitness, but in how I mentally take on each day. I hope it'll help you too.

Progress (Of Any Kind) Happens In Seasons

I love making progress. Don't you? Of course you do. One of the most critical elements to a successful fitness endeavor and a fulfilling life is the gradual increase in improvements over time. Many of us live for this and definitely focus on it with our fitness. While progress is a must in many regards, expecting progress all the time creates a lot of problems.

Progress Should Not Be Linear

I'm sure you've heard this before; that progress isn't linear. But there's a big difference between accepting that progress isn't linear and owning the fact that it shouldn't be. Let me explain with three distinct mindsets one could have.

  • Beginner Mindset - Only feels happy/motivated with a goal when making progress. Doesn't see any good out of occasional set-backs or changes in course.
  • Intermediate Mindset - Feels the best when making clear progress on a goal, but appreciates the occasional setback and change of pace.
  • Advanced Mindset - Pushes hard for progress on a goal, but is grateful for setbacks and obstacles. Uses every single setback or "off period" as a lesson for future growth, and as an opportunity to possibly focus on another area to stay fresh. Appreciates that life comes in seasons.

Spring. Summer. Fall. Winter

For most of us, a change in season and weather is an expected part of life. We may not love the change every time, but we wouldn't expect it any other way.

It's silly to think of progress and goals any differently. Every pursuit we take on will have it's gorgeous "summer" season, but it will also have its "winter." Yes, you can always work to get better, but some times are just going to be better than others.

The Goal of This Email

Don't let the "winter" of your pursuit derail you or bring you down. It's a part of life. Use that time to maximize other strengths, mindsets or whatever else you need to do. Everything worth pursuing will be there when you need it to be. Keep working at it, stay the course, and never dwell when things change up on you.

Have a great weekend Reader.

Get after it,

Coach Harris

Coached By Harris LLC

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