
Coached By Harris LLC

5 Minute “Reset” Workout

Published over 2 years ago • 1 min read

Hey there Reader,

Here’s a super simple, quick, yet “mood-enhancing” workout that you can do anywhere, anytime and in just 5:00 minutes.

Enjoy and reply back if you plan to try it! I’d love to know how many reps you get.

🔥 A Quick “Reset” Workout 🔥

  • Total Time: 5:00 minutes
  • Equipment Needed: Just you and a stopwatch!
  • Need Technique Help? Watch the videos linked below!
  1. Bodyweight Squats // MAX Reps in 1:00 minute // then rest 30 seconds
  2. Controlled Mountain Climber // MAX Reps in 2:00 minutes // then rest 30 seconds
  3. Bodyweight Slams // MAX Reps in 1:00 minute // DONE

🙏🏼 The Power of A Reset 🙏🏼

One of the greatest qualities in a human is the ability to "reset" at will. The ability to minimize noise, forget the past and to start fresh on a new habit or on a new path. No matter how dark, broken, or chaotic our current situation is, we can always forget the past, refine our purpose and alter the course of everything we do.

Intense exercise is one of the most powerful ways to catalyze a reset. Feeling out of whack and overwhelmed? Building a simple daily practice of intense exercise, even if for just 5 minutes a day, will almost definitely help propel you into a fresh start. Train hard and train often.

This mini workout while simple, is enough to be that catalyst towards a great day and a great week.

Get after it and let me know how many reps you get!



Coached By Harris LLC

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