
Coached By Harris LLC

3 Actionable Lessons

Published over 2 years ago • 2 min read

Today I'll Teach You:

  1. How to Focus on Less and More at The Same Time
  2. How to Gamify (Make Into a Game) Your Fitness and Other Habits for The Best Progress
  3. One of My Favorite Exercises for Stronger (and Sexier) Back and Arm Muscles While Only Needing a Pair of Dumbbells

Let's get to it Reader.

1) How to Focus on Less and More at The Same Time

Can you do both? Yes, I believe you can... but not in the way that it may sound.

I'm not referring to taking on less tasks and taking on more tasks simultaneously.

That doesn't make any sense.

Today's message is about focusing on less "fluff" so you can focus more energy on the few things that truly mean something to you.

If you're having trouble focusing in this way, here's a great book / audiobook that I recommend you check out:

"The Power of Less" by Leo Babauta

How to Do This Right Now:

  • Set a timer for 5 Minutes, grab a pen and paper, grab a drink maybe and clear all distractions. Turn phone on silent and put it across the room. Same with your computer and apple watch or whatever else is prone to notifications. Without worrying about order or organization, brain dump literally every task that is on your mind. Work related, family, household, goals, fitness... whatever. If it comes to mind and you feel you should be doing it, write it down and get it out of your head. Once that is done, take time to order the list into a hierarchy of importance. I can't tell you exactly how to go about this as you'll find the best way for you, but you get the idea. "Focusing" on 20 things is to not focus at all. Pick the essential minimum habits and tasks, add then into your calendar, and get after em'.

2) How to Gamify (Make Into a Game) Your Fitness and Other Habits for The Best Progress

Simply, create a Habit Streak and do everything in your power not to break it (or break it as infrequently as possible. Make it like a game. Become a kid again. Put your habit streak on your wall, on your bathroom mirror, next to the toilet... I don't know.

By focusing on a powerful and objective habit (i.e, workout 15 minutes a day, write 500 words a day, run 1 mile a day, have 1 new conversation a day, etc.), and building a strong streak, progress will be a part of your process.

How to Do This Right Now:

Pick one category in your day-to-day life and choose a valuable habit. Break the habit down into a specific and small enough task that you can do it everyday. Track your habit streak on a piece of paper or wherever you prefer, but keep it top of mind. For me, my current habit is to go to Jiu-Jitsu every single day (aside from travel if I can't find a jiu-jitsu gym or Sunday's when the gym is closed, I haven't missed a day in ~ 10 weeks. I have not felt amazing or motivated everyday, but I have kept the habit of showing up to class. Try it out!

3) One of My Favorite Exercises for Stronger (and Sexier) Back and Arm Muscles While Only Having a Pair of Dumbbells

I call this the "Grounded Dumbbell Row" and it's an amazing move to learn and master.

Of all the row variations you could do, this one has near the smallest room for error which means it's great for beginners and advanced people alike.

How to Do This Right Now:

Watch this tutorial, practice the move with light dumbbells, and feel free to email me a video of your set for quick technique review.

Bonus Challenge: Grab a weight that you can do for at least 6-8 good reps per arm. Set a timer for 3 minutes and perform as many alternating reps as you can in that time. You can let me know the weight and reps when you're done!

I hope today's lessons were helpful. As always, reply if you'd like to connect, discuss any of the above, or just say hi - have a great weekend Reader!



Coached By Harris LLC

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